Thursday, September 07, 2006

Think More Clearly, Lose Headaches, and Anti Aging

There are many schools of thought in relation to hydration and its effects on the body, but I am on the side that believes to optimise your health, you should keep well hydrated at all times, drinking 8 glasses or more of water a day. Many agree, some disagree, but keep yourself well hydrated, and you'll find that the majority of the time, you'll feel a lot better than if you were dehydrated. Dehydration can also lead to a loss of concentration, so keep hydrated, and you will probably live a more productive life!
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Benefits of Water Anti Aging by R. Drysdale

Water has been called the elixir of life and when we think about the benefits of water anti aging comes readily to mind. In an ancient Japanese legend, the hero Takenouchi no Sukune drank daily from the waters of a sacred well, and lived to be more than 300 years old. Though we may not expect to live nearly four centuries, many of us believe that regularly consuming good quality water will have a significant impact on health.

To reap the benefits of water anti aging, how much water does one need? A standard answer seems to be eight full glasses of water a day - that's 64 ounces of water. The key to appropriate water intake, however, lies in common sense and moderation. If the weather's hot and dry, if you are very active and sweating a lot, or if you are continually thirsty for some other reason, you will probably need more water than the average person. On the other hand, if you are well hydrated, and the weather is cool and wet, you will probably need less. Too little water leads to dehydration; too much can be life threatening as well.

So don't overdo it. It's not hard to keep yourself properly hydrated and add the benefits of water anti aging to your anti aging routines. Learn to interpret the messages your body is giving you. A slight headache is often the first sign of dehydration; you may also notice that your urine is concentrated and dark in color (some drugs and vitamin supplements can also give the urine a dark color), and that you are urinating less frequently. These are signs that you should drink more water. Symptoms of overhydration include behavioral changes. You may be confused and drowsy, and suffer from blurred vision and muscle cramps (overhydration is quite unusual in healthy people, but it can occur if you consume more water than your body is able to excrete).

Will any water source confer long life and good health? It's no secret that much of the fresh water on earth is contaminated with chemicals, disease causing organisms, and other pollutants. Tap water is usually treated with chemicals to remove many of the impurities, but this results in more chemicals being added to the fresh water that comes out of our taps. None of these things contribute in a positive way to the benefits of water anti aging or health improvement. Again, common sense tells us that the water we drink should be as pure and clean as possible - a belief that has spawned a proliferation of bottled waters in the beverage market.

Bottled water, however, is not necessarily any better than tap water. It still contains chemicals and it is not necessarily sterile. It is simply water in a bottle, and incidentally, more chemicals gradually leach out of the plastic the bottle is made from, adding more impurities to the brew. People who believe bottled water is cleaner and purer than tap water are not getting what they think they are, and they are not getting any special benefits of water anti aging. Similarly, drinking distilled water is likely to do more harm than good because this water is demineralized and will deplete the body of minerals that are needed for proper functioning.

The best source of truly clean water is a water filtration system - one that will remove impurities, chemicals and microbial contaminants but not affect the normal mineral content and pH levels of the water. This is the closest practical equivalent of the legendary pure mountain spring, rising from an underground source that has never seen chemicals or pathogens. This is the water that will give you the maximum benefits of water anti aging and good health - the longevity elixir of Takenouchi no Sukune.

About the Author

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about the benefits of water anti aging on the AntiAging Information site.

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